Progressive web applications will reach the Windows 10 Microsoft Store expanding its advanced capabilities

We knew that progressive web applications – progressive web apps or PWA by name and acronyms in English – were going to get to Windows 10 with the next big update of Windows 10, Redstone 4. What we did not know is that the Redmond people wanted to bring some of the best advanced web-based applications to the Microsoft Store in
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The six signs that indicate that you are using more weight than you should in your training

When training there are different ways to do it and get good results. In the end, each person ends up having a series of exercises or preferred training techniques that work for them. A priori this is quite understandable, but in many cases there is a problem that we can not ignore when training, and this is usually that we carry more
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How to create a company profile on Instagram and schedule publications

Instagram yesterday announced a major change, allowing third-party applications to schedule publications. Ironically, this functionality will not be found in the official application, and we will have to follow a series of steps to be able to use it. Hootsuite is one of the best known platforms when managing profiles in social networks, being used by many companies and
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