If you have a damaged meter box, do you know who is responsible for replacing it? In the past, both the gas and electricity boards owned the meter boxes, but then came deregulation. Suddenly, gas and electricity companies were no longer responsible for the meter covers.
You might not think it’s important, but meter boxes are susceptible to damage as they are usually made from plastic. With shared accommodation and social housing, the responsibility for the maintenance of the boxes can become unclear.
The regulations surrounding meter boxes are found in Regulation 416.2.3 of the IEE Wiring Regulations. In brief, it states that an enclosure must be securely placed to protect and separate any live parts. It must have a key or tool to open it and the absence of an enclosure contravenes these regulations.
Therefore, there is a clear need for repair or replacement so as not to contravene the regulations. What isn’t so clear is who is responsible?
For gas meter boxes, there is a separate set of regulations called the Gas Safety Regulations 1998. These offer guidance on how to protect the meter against damage and for suitable designs for the meter housing.
According to the Institute of Gas Engineers and Managers, the consumer is responsible for the proper care of the meter, which includes ensuring that the meter is housed adequately. A gas meter box can be installed by a home owner before a supply has been installed or the supplier will fit a meter box on agreement with the consumer. However, once that box has been installed, it is the property owner who is then responsible for its maintenance and upkeep. For a new Gas Meter Box, visit https://www.meterbox.co.uk/gas-meter-boxes
Electricity meter boxes are also treated in this way, so if you have a damaged or missing housing, you’ll want to get that sorted as soon as possible to prevent further damage and falling foul of regulations.
Common damage that can occur include weather damage from high winds and heavy rain, vandalism, the door has become loose and fallen off or the unit is coming away from the wall. Although repair and replacement is the responsibility of the property owner, help with repairs and replacements can be arranged with certified gas engineers.