Aluminium is also used extensively in the construction industry, particularly in the case of sheet and plate-glass construction. Aluminium sheets are widely used in the production of windows and doors, as well as the skeleton of modern cruise ships. It is also widely used in the construction of aeroplanes, boats, cars, trains, aeroplane landing gears, military planes, aircraft carriers, trucks, motorcycles, rockets, missiles, space shuttles, ships, and space stations. In addition, aluminium is also widely used in the manufacturing of batteries, transformers and wind turbines. The list continues to go on, with increasing numbers of items being made from aluminium all over the world.
Another property of Aluminium that is beneficial to our environment is the fact that aluminium oxide is now widely used as an additive in the manufacturing of many different alloys, including thermoplastic and polyethylene, and its ability to resist corrosion. This means that when using these alloys in aircraft the oxide coated surfaces are not affected by salt water or other liquids which could corrode the metals. Also the added safety of not having the metal corrodes in exposed areas is worth bearing in mind.
Aluminium is also incredibly easy to shape using Tapping Machines like the ones from Cotswold Machinery Sales which makes it the perfect metal for a number of different uses and industries.The shapes that can be produced are almost endless and this includes thin layers of aluminium as well as large pieces of metal.