Where has all this silicone come from?

Lining the bath and sinks of your home is a very useful substance. It is called silicone and it is great for repelling and generally keeping out water. However it can’t do that forever and it will start to degrade and even allow the growth of mould and other water related issues to creep in if it is not changed. Removing it can be a pain but with some Silicone sealant remover from CT1 you can soon have the stuff gone and replaced with some new.

Silicone is a relatively new form of elastomer that is a synthetic rubber. Due to its mineral composition, it is different to organic polymers such as gelatin, rubber and polyurethane. Naturally, the base element, silicon, occurs primarily as quartz and as silicate.

Silicone rubber is somewhat similar to neoprene in that it is a compound derived from the chemical portion underlying it. Frederick Kipping, an English scientist, began studying how to polymerize silicon; later, in the 1930s, a chemist named Hyde commissioned America Corning Glass to attempt to use silicon to produce a substance such as a resin that would be suitable for high temperature insulating generators and engines.

It is interesting that silicone has been used for fun as well as serious uses in its history; Dow Corning, for example, has made Funny Putty a beloved children’s product. 3M took a silicone base in 1970 and made an adhesive tape from it that had the incredible property of sticking to objects yet being quickly removable. It also meant that the creation of the Post it note could be a reality.

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