If you need to make an adult safeguarding referral, there are some essential aspects to consider to help make the process effective.

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Clarify your role

When making your referral, state who you are and what your role is to the adult in question. Detail what actions have already been taken to safeguard the adult and what situation they are in now.

Be clear with your evidence

There are lots of scenarios where safeguarding may be a concern, so each situation can be unique. When detailing your evidence, make it clear where it has come from, whether it is first-hand experience or third-party information. Evidence should only ever be fact and not opinion. Refer to what the adult has said in the form of quotes.

Be concise yet clear with your evidence and the type of abuse that has occurred. If you need to explain medical terminology that may impact the case, be sure to do so. If there were any witnesses present, this should also be stated.

Provide as many details as you can about the perpetrator. Giving this information will be important to assess their background, including whether they have ever had a basic DBS check.

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Assessing the risks

As part of the adult safeguarding referral process, it is vital to understand and assess the risks and share this information with relevant authorities.

This includes risks to the vulnerable adult and other people around them, particularly children.

Is the individual safe in their current living accomodation weather that be a flat or house?.

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It is important to remember that safeguarding is of concern to the wider community. According to Social Care Institute for Excellence effective safeguarding cannot be achieved without a large number of organisations and individuals working closely together.

Make it clear in your referral whether the adult is aware of the risks to them and that they have become a safeguarding concern. In most cases, you should work with the adult involved on the safeguarding process so they can communicate what kind of outcome they would like to see happen. The only time you might consider not telling the adult about the safeguarding concern is if it would put them at risk of harm.

Taking action

Include in your safeguarding referral what action has already been taken to address the situation and what level of care and support the adult is currently receiving.