The very first episode of D.I.Y. S.O.S was aired on BBC One on British televisions on the 7th of October 1999. The idea behind the show has proven to be emotive and successful, the small team of professional builders visit somebodies’ home to see how they can help revamp and modify the premises to make it more suitable for the occupants. Nick Knowles, alongside Lowri Turner, Kate McIntyre and Brigid Calderhead help present the show and the rest of the team is made up of a mixture of nine, builders, decorators, carpenters, electricians and gardeners.
The Team have travelled all over the Country and just like a professional company specialising in Flat Roofing Bristol the team have transformed rooves, kitchens, bedrooms and whole houses to suit the occupants. Often the home makeover has been started by the residents but they have been unable to finish it due to some unforeseen accident or personal circumstances. The transformation of a home where a disabled person is living but is unable to access most of the premises has proven to be the most emotive and popular episodes to watch.
The team sends out appeals to volunteers of local trades men and women to come and help them complete the elaborate projects. The hundreds of volunteers willingly bring their own supplies, tools and equipment to help out as much as they can and often provide the expertise needed to finish the makeover on time.