Signs that you Need a New Roof

One of the most important parts of your property is the roof, and making sure that it is well maintained is important. All roofs only last a certain amount of time, as eventually the weather will have an impact on the materials, and they will need to be replaced.

Having the whole roof replaced is also something that you may need to consider at some point, especially in an older property. This is a big job and something that you need an experienced professional like this roofing Gloucester based company to do for you – here are some of the signs that may indicate your roof may be in need of repair or replacement…

There are Tiles Missing – If you notice that you have tiles missing on the roof, or you can see that tiles are damaged this may indicate a larger problem. Roof tiles help to keep the roof weatherproof, so it is essential to have this looked at as soon as possible.

It’s over 25 Years Old – A roof that is on the older side is more vulnerable as the materials may have already started to perish. Older roofs also may not have such good insulation as modern materials are much more efficient, so your roof may also be losing heat too.

There is a Leak – If you have spotted stains on your ceilings or walls then you may have a leaking roof, which has the potential to cause damp as well as other damage to your property. If the leak is coming from the roof, then you should get it sorted quickly.

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