Many more of us now work from home, either full time or as part of a hybrid arrangement (part of the time working from the office and part of the time at home). When you have a large chunk of your working life having to do the job at home, it is important that you have a space which is suitable for you to work from.

Most people won’t have a spare bedroom or a room that they really want to give up to turn into an office, but a great solution to this problem is a garden office.

Garden offices have been on the rise since lockdown as more people realised the need to create the right space for them to be able to focus on their work. Another benefit to having the office in the garden is the ability to create that space between home life and work life.

When it comes to having a garden office built, the best thing to do is to consult a professional company that is experienced in building them. You also should check planning regulations in your area before you go ahead and put one up.

When it comes to the interior, you will need to make sure that it has an electrical connection to the house and also consider the interior design – for example, being in the garden, practical flooring like this laminate wood flooring is a better choice than something like carpet which could get dirty easily.

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