Driving on the Motorway as a New Driver

If you are a new driver, something that you will need to do if you haven’t already is drive on the motorway. Motorway driving is one of the most nerve-wracking things for new drivers as it is often a busy road as well as a fast one and when you are an inexperienced driver this can often make you feel intimidated.

However, once you have passed your test at some point you are going to want to get somewhere that involves driving on the motorway, so it is important to plan and prepare for it so that you are ready.

These are some of the things that you might want to do to make it easier…

Familiarise yourself with motorway signage – On the motorway there may be some things that you might not see on other roads. For example, smart motorways are in some areas and it is a good idea to look up how to drive on a smart motorway as they are different. Something that you might notice is the lack of a hard shoulder on a smart motorway.

Markings on vehicles are another thing to look out for like these chapter 8 chevrons https://www.vehiclechevrons.com/ and what vehicles you will see them on, as well as motorway signage providing you with information.

Prepare before you set off – To make sure that you are ready to go make sure that you and your car are ready. Doing this helps you to be more confident and in control. Check things like the lights and tyres on the car, and that it is topped up with oil and water to reduce the risk of breaking down on your journey.

It also helps to plan your route and make sure that you leave plenty of time to get to where you are going.

Make sure you take a break when you need to – Often a motorway journey can be a long one, and also driving on unfamiliar territory can be more tiring. Make sure that you look out for the signs that tell you where the service stations are along the route as then you can stop and have a rest if you need to. Being tired when you are driving is very dangerous so always make sure that you stop if you feel tired or need a break.

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