Getting the most from your acupuncture session

Wear loose clothing that is comfortable

Tight trousers or itchy sweaters can not only distract you during treatment, but they may also block the flow of blood that the needles try to stimulate. It is also easier to reach acupuncture points if you wear loose clothing.

Before and after treatment, avoid caffeine, alcohol and sugar

You can still enjoy your coffee in the morning, but you should limit it as your appointment approaches. The less you drink before the needles are inserted, the better. For Acupuncture Evesham, visit

Keep warm

Avoid drafts and wear a scarf. Eat warm food. Cold can cause pain and stagnation, and wind can make you more vulnerable to “external invaders”, as they are called in Chinese medicine.

Protect yourself from the outside elements to get the best results from your acupuncture treatment.

The effectiveness of the treatment is affected by what you eat both before and after your treatment. Don’t go into treatment hungry, but also don’t overeat.

The same applies to the post-treatment protocol. Eat light foods like rice and vegetables as much as you can. Avoid heavy and overly processed foods.

Don’t make big plans right after your treatment

Spend the next 12 hours relaxing, if possible. Don’t overdo it, even if you feel great after treatment. You need to give your body time to adjust.

Try a gentle yoga class if you must move. Keep the hot yoga, crossfit and 5-hour hikes for another day.

Follow the lifestyle advice you receive from your practitioner

There are many things you can do at home to improve the healing effect of your treatment, no matter what you’re going through. Don’t be afraid to ask your acupuncturist for specific techniques that will help you.

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