Noise nuisance can be a real frustration for people in all walks of life. Whether it’s at home or at work, it causes a variety of problems. Fortunately, you do not have to put up with it.

Problems with noise pollution

While it may appear a small issue to people who are fortunate enough to have never suffered from it, noise pollution can be a significant issue with tangible consequences. In the very least, it can act as a distraction at home, making it difficult to concentrate if you’re watching TV, reading a book or just talking with friends.

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Outside the simple frustration, interference noise can cause stress and anger, which can result in various health problems, such as anxiety, headache, skin conditions, hypertension, heart attack and stroke.

Depending on the type and source of the noise, which can even lead to a lack of sleep, noise pollution comes with its own set of problems for both physical and mental wellbeing. This can lead to poor performance in the workplace, or even the loss of a job, just because the house was noisy.

Worst of all, visible noise pollution may even make it difficult to sell your property in the search for a quieter life. So, where is it coming from?

The cause of noise pollution

Here are some common sources of noise nuisance mostly at home or in the workplace:

Road traffic


Road repair



Passers by

Bars, pubs and clubs

Pets or other animals

General noise from the busy city centre

How can windows help?

It’s worth considering exactly why your home is letting sound in. Letter boxes, keyholes and cat flaps are all common weak points which should be investigated. But in many cases, it is your windows. For help with updating your windows, contact Glass suppliers Bristol like Roman Glass.

Windows are one of the weakest points in a property when it comes to noise intrusion. They are large, thin and taut pieces of material, easily influenced by the energy of sound waves. Without the proper protection, they basically act as speakers to transmit sound.

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Unfortunately, it does not only happen to older, single-glazed windows. Double or triple glazing can struggle to offer a reduction of noise due to vibration of the glass compresses the internal air or gas in a sealed unit. Due to the close proximity of glass panels, this can continue to allow sound wave energy without interruption.

The solution is a secondary glass

If you really want to reduce the amount of noise to get through your window, secondary glazing proves to be the most effective solution. Why? The space between the existing windows and secondary glazing panel is significantly larger than the gap you get between two or three glass window panels. Contact Glass suppliers Bristol for more information.

A larger gap creates a more significant barrier for sound waves to pass through, which means they are much weaker by the time they got to the other side. So much so, in fact, that it can be five times more effective than double glazing. With proper design and installation, it is possible to reduce the noise as much as 80%.